tengri ultra trail (KAZ)
tale of the trail
Date: 6 May 2018
Country: Kazakhstan
Race venue: Tamgaly Tas Campsite
Edition: 4
Race director: Тимур Артюхин
Race distance: 70 km (35 km and 15km also available)
Elevation gain: 1020 Hm (70km)
Race starting time: 6.00 a.m.
Cut-off time: 12 hours
Asia Trail Master finisher points: 100 (70 km);
Max performance points: 400
Grandmaster Quest: Yes (70km)
Event website: Link
Event registration: Open
Race-only fee: USD 55
International gateway: Almaty
Travel package: Yes, can be arranged via LOC
Following three exciting editions with ever more international participation, the Tengri Ultra Trail is back on 6 May 2018 and will again feature grasslands, canyons, mountain- and riverscapes. The main trail course will again be 70km (1 point for the Grandmaster Quest!). There is also a shorter 35 km loop run. Beginning runners can opt for the 15km.
Tengri Ultra Trail starts and finishes at a campsite along the banks of the Ili River, which flows into China. Tamgaly Tas is approx 100km from former capital city Almaty, which is also the international gateway to the event. Busses will bring registered participants from Almaty centre to the campsite on Saturday. Camping is a must, so people need to bring camping equipment, or rent it in advance. There will be a small-scale BBQ in the evening, but participants are recommended to bring some food and drinks along as well. As it suits an adventurous trip, there is no wifi and hardly any mobile signal in this remote area.
A group of Hong Kong and Beijing-based runners joined the enthusiastic local running community for the inaugural edition, and had an unforgettable experience. Action Asia magazine reported on the event in its July/August 2015 edition.
Interview with TUT's Race Director (in Russian)
2018 poster
video 2017
2017 Trailer
70 km
35 km
Runners will camp on pre-race night (7 May), as race location is 100km away from Almaty City. A bus transfer from Almaty Central Stadium on the side of the street Abay is arranged for 14:00 on Saturday. Return after the race on Sunday is scheduled for 18:00. The race location is away from regular roads, so it is highly recommended to take the official event bus. For this it is necessary to select the bus option when registering for the race. The application for a place on the bus is compulsory: no reservation, no bus!
For runners and accompanying people it is possible to organize catering and rental camping equipment. We know that good nutrition is recipe for sporting success! Two options of meals will be available on Saturday and Sunday at the camp site:
1) Three times healthy food at race base camp. Pre-order and payment of the food (3 meals is USD 48) is required via the online registration form, and note that the possibility to order food will be closed one week prior to the event. Vegetarian menu is available.
2) Burgers and barbecue grill kitchen for everyone. Payment on the spot, a reservation is not required.
In 2016, if you like a travel package for your journey in Almaty, please contact the expert travel agency Q14 (English spoken). The email address is asofryginaq14@gmail.com . After you registered for the race, you can even get a discount rate for hotels in Almaty via Q14.
If you wish to go independently, for hotels in Almaty, consider www.booking.com , which has wide range of options. Taxis are readily available from the airport, but bring a reservation print out if you are not a Russian speaker. There is an information booth at the airport exit where you can also inquire in English and German.