The Punisher opens for registration!
The 2nd edition of The Punisher, scheduled for 12 December, is now open for registration. The event takes place on Babak Samal Island opposite the city of Davao in the Philippines and offers three race distances, of which the 82km and the 50km provide points for the Asia Trail Master championship ranking. Indeed, the 82km also qualifies for 1 point for each runner's Grandmaster Quest.
The Punisher, organised by Vertical 2 Sky, is the perfect end-of-year event as runners can relax afterwards in the beach resorts of Babak Samal and of Davao. The race course has been designed to show participants the most scenic spots of the island, and is quite runnable as well with 2200 hm for the 82 km main race. There are technical bits as well, including proper hill climbing, river crossing and cliffs. Combined with the Filippino climate, The Punisher needs to be taken seriously if you are not used to trail running. Participants have a cut off time of 20 hours for the 82 km, which is quite reasonable, but yet does not allow for a pic nic.
You can find out more practical details of the event via our cover page.
International registration using credit card is easy via our registration platform.
None other than Jan Nilsen has checked the course. (here with RD Doi Calbes)