Silabur Ultra Trail new ATM Candidate in Sarawak

There have been plenty of ATM Candidate Races this year, and also in the early months of next season we already have a few nice events lined up. Silabur Ultra Trail is another new event in Sarawak on Malaysian Borneo on 19 March 2023. It proves that many event organisers wish to be part of our Asia Trail Master Championship calendar in the near future, and that event organisation and management is bound to improve even further as spots-per-country on our main calendar are limited and will not increase in number.

Silabur Ultra Trail will take place at Bidayuh Kampung Lubang Batu, Tebakang, roughly 40km from Serian town & 100km from Kuching, the main city with international airport connections. The trail courses cover natural mountain trail & the magnificent Silabur Cave aka Jade Cave. The longest race distance is measured at 60 km with race start at 3 am, but less ambitious runners can also opt for 30km, 15k mand 8km.

Highlight of the event is of course the Silabur Cave, which is a truly impressive sight and the main tourism attraction. It’s a limstone cave with huge vertical cliffs and a jade colour scheme. Accommodation is in homestays as the nearest bigger town or city is Kuching, 100km away. In fact, Silabur is not so far from the border with Indonesia’s Kalimantan.
