The Grandmaster Quest 

  • Finish 6 different races on the ATM calendar of minimum 70 km or 4500 Hm within a period of 2 years

  • One of the 6 races must be abroad / outside your resident country

  • Receive a place in the ATM Hall of Fame

  • Obtain a specially designed Asia Trail Grandmaster Shield and more benefits

  • Earn a second, third and fourth star on your Grandmaster Shield as you continue to run the trails of Asia, plus a honourary Bronze, Silver and Gold Tee.

Become an Asia Trail Grandmaster

Runners of all levels are rewarded for their perseverance. Every runner who completes the long distance (at least 70km) of six (6) Asia Trail Master races within two years will be honoured as an Asia Trail Grandmaster in the Hall of Fame, and receive a honourary shield or badge. NEW as of Season 10: one of the six races must be abroad, or outside your resident country. Flexibility is given to those who already scored 5 GM points and had signed up for their 6th race prior to the Season 10 announcement.

The two-year-time limitation starts as soon as a runner has successfully completed his first 70km+ race. GM points expire after two years. Note that doing the same race/event 2 times is not accepted, or in other words, you can only score a point once at a given event.  

The Grandmaster shield will display one or more stars depending on the level of achievement accomplished:

  • Grandmaster shield with 1 star = 6 ATM long distance (+70km) race finishes within 2 years.

As soon as a runner has achieved Grandmaster status as described above, he/she can earn more stars on his/her badge.

  • 2 stars: 10 career ATM long distance race finishes

  • 3 stars: 15 career ATM long distance race finishes

  • 4 stars: 20 career ATM long distance race finishes

Note: the 2-calendar-year condition is only in place to secure Grandmaster status. Afterwards, you can take as many years as you want to complete the next four races (6+4 = 10 career finishes) and obtain a badge featuring 2 stars. 
Note 2: finishers of stage races will also get 1 point for their Grandmaster Quest (e.g. The 9 Dragons 50/50 category)
Note 3: A race of less than 70 km can still be valid for the Grandmaster Quest if the total elevation gain exceeds 4500 hm
Note 4: A specific race can only count once for a Grandmaster point.
Note 5: As of Season 10, to receive the 1st GM star, one of the six races must be abroad/outside one’s resident country
Note 6: GM points expire after 2 years. If a runner started his GM Quest on 1 March 2023 and did not complete the first level of six races by 1 March 2025, that first race and GM point will expire and the runner’s 2nd race will be considered the start of his Quest.

Mandatory: register your ambition to start your Grandmaster Quest

Please let us know when you wish to begin your Grandmaster Quest and at which event, so ATM can more easily follow your progress and also put you in the spotlights (if desired). This simple registration is also mandatory as of 1 April 2020 to allow for more transparency in general, also towards other runners. If you DNF in your first race, please register again next time you wish to begin your Quest.

To register (of course free of charge), please fill in the Google form by clicking on the button below. If you live in a place with limited access to Google, please email to

Grandmaster Hall of Fame