Bogd Khan Ultra Trail a 2019 Candidate Race!


We are happy to welcome the 1st edition of Bogd Khan Ultra Trail aka Mongolian International Steppe Marathon on 19 August as a 2019 ATM Candidate Race.  A 50k hilly grassland trail in the mountainous outskirts of capital city Ulanbaataar. With outdoor and endurance sport expert Carole Fuchs as race director and a Japanese production, the event has high ambitions to become a summer classic on the Asia trail scene. The longest distance this year is 50 km. 

A bit of background. Bogd Khan was born in Tibet and was the third most important man in the hierarchy of Tibetan Buddhism after the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama. Nevertheless, he moved and lived most of his life in Mongolia. In 1911 he was enthroned as the Khagan - Head of State - of Outer Mongolia after it declared its independence following the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in what is now known as China. The Bogd Khaganate - the reign - was short-lived as in 1919 Chinese troops returned to Urga, as the capital city was then called. In the political turmoil that ensued, Bogd Khan was again reinstated to the throne for three more years till his death in 1924. Then, the People's Republic of Mongolia was officially announced, backed by Soviet Communists. The winter palace of Bogd Khan has been well-preserved an is now tourist attraction in Ulanbaataar. 

Fascinating stories and cultural relics are omnipresent in this region of the world, and for sure adds meaning to the new trail event in August. 

More details via the facebook page of the event.

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