SCTU a new ATM Candidate in Mindanao

We are happy to announce that the Santa Cruz Trail Ultra event in Davao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines has obtained the ATM Candidate Race label. The event, with Grandmaster and double ATM Finalist Sean Aying as Race Director, is scheduled for 28/29 September and comes in celebration of the 140th Araw Nang, the legal formation of the Santa Cruz Municipality.

The trail event offers three race categories: 60km, 25km and 10km. Expect a tough course taking you through the central mountains of Santa Cruz, but avoiding the summit and boulderface of Mount Apo. The highlight of the 60km course will take you to the rugged terrains of the 8 peaks in the foothills of Mt. Apo, namely Mounts Loay, Baryara, Tagaytay Ridge, Tinako, Dinor, 796, Fortune and Tagaytay Peak. Mount Tinako is the highest point of the course at more than 1,300 m above sea level. Total elevation gain is estimated at 4500 hm, 2500 hm for the 25k and even 1000 hm for the 10k, so do no expect an easy walk in the park. The mountains section of the 60k course is part of the “trailblazer” program of the Sta Cruz Tourism. Whilst challenging, the races are open to all levels of runners whether you are a beginner in trail, a trail running avid-fan, an enthusiast or a hardcore. The cut-off time for the 60km is 18 hours.

The event has a strong emphasis on showcasing the area as a sports tourism destination, and also wishes to encourage participants to appreciate and respect the environment they’re running through. This can include initiatives like minimizing waste, promoting responsible trail etiquette, and supporting local conservation efforts.

Santa Cruz is quite a familiar location on our ATM calendar. Located just about half an hour outside Davao City, it is among the easier trail venues to get to. Alongside Davao’s, Santa Cruz also has a large trail community of its own.

Registration for the event is open. You can access and see al details via the official webpages, and stay up-to-date via the event’s facebook page.