Marilog Ultra 70 a new ATM Candidate

We are happy to announce that Marilog Ultra 70 in Davao, Phillipines, has received the ATM Candidate Race label for the event on 31 August/1 September. Organised by Team BRAD, Marilog aims to be more than just a race. It's about giving back to the community, protecting the environment, and promoting eco-friendly tourism in the area. The race director will be Julieann Morales, herself one of the leading trail runners in Philippines and a winner of three ATM points races already this season.

The Marilog event has four different distance categories on the programme. The 70km is the longest and has an estimated elevation gain of 3629 hm. The 42km has 2325 hm of elevation gain, the 21km 1300hm and the 12km nearly 800 hm. The course map can seen via Google Earth and is linked below. Start and finish is MWES Marahan in the Marilog district of Davao, to the west of the city.

Registration is open and can be done easily online.