'Complete the Mission' the goal from tomorrow!

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Tomorrow the inaugural edition of the 7 Missions begins with a 10 km mission that serves as an ideal warm-up for the rest of the week. Teams of runners in several countries in Asia, Australia and Europe will aim to cover the ten kilometres with at least three of their four team members to complete Mission I and set a team time. People are not required to run together and can do so anywhere they like - including the treadmill in the gym. Having run fun is the biggest objective during this second week of 2021, and completing as many missions as possible as a team will help with that. The fastest and more competitive individuals within teams, and those who score most elevation gain during their 10 km run, will also get ranked in the Cheetah Cup and the High Trail 9 Peaks Ulju Mountain Goat Trophy. The event is supported by T8 Typhoon Wear, Uglow Sport, OTSO Think Sport and High Trail 9 Peaks Ulju, and each will have a mission dedicated to them during the week. Prizes go to the best three teams in each category and the best individual performers, as well as lucky draw winners.

As this is a “virtual” team running challenge, there are no restrictions on the number of participants, so registration is still open for last-minute deciders. You can sign up easily via Sportlicious Malaysia.

Asia Trail Master and Sportlicious Malaysia will be covering the event on a daily basis, and monitor the results input from team captains. Runners are expected to back up their results with a GPS log file or Strava link.

If corona restrictions allow, there will be a daily evening round-up video livestream on facebook and youtube as well, live from Singapore.
