Episode 2 of The Tale of the Trail: 'A Glimmer of Hope'


Episode 2 of our new bi-monthly video talk show ‘The Tale of the Trail’ has been scheduled for Friday, 15 May at 18:00 Hong Kong time. Labeled “A Glimmer of Hope”, the show will continue on the good vibes from Vietnam and South Korea two weeks ago and hope to get more updates on, especially, the logistical front of both scheduled ATM Championship events Dalat Ultra Trail and Korea 50K. All events in July have already been cancelled, so we will toe the water with the event management of Ijen Trail in East Java, Indonesia, and the big Borneo TMBT Ultra in Sabah, Malaysia. Both are on the programme for the second half of August. Furthermore, we will have a chat with Kristian Joergensen, who only very recently managed to get out of his resident city of Manila in the Philippines and flew back to his native Denmark. And last but not least, we have our mystery guest.

Episode 2 of The Tale of the Trail will be live on our Facebook page on Friday at 18:00 Hong Kong time. The edited recording can also be watched later on YouTube and our website.

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