T7M - Mission III: Results of an exciting OTSO Hour run!


The OTSO Hour developed into a masterpiece of team tactics by the Malaysia-based team MKRC Boleh! Under pressure from the T8 Kings of Quarantine over the first two days, the MKRC guys decided to sacrifice some of their speed for seeking enough elevation gain per runner to score a triple elevation bonus on Mission III! While we are waiting the result of Switzerland-based Bryan McFlynn, this wonderful plan may just as well come together and propel the Malaysians into the overall lead of the 7 Missions team ranking.

Meanwhile, however, Jeff Campbell of the aforementioned T8 team, and his teammate Ryan Whelan, once more topped the individual speedster ranking with an incredible 17.89 km for Campbell and 17.50 km for Whelan. Kitamura was third with just over 17 km. As Campbell, Vanja Cnops remains the fastest woman of the 7 Missions. Today she ran 14.79 km in Singapore. Interestingly, Rie Sugaya took. a rest day and France’s Carole Fuchs was second quickest in the OTSO Hour with a distance of 14 km, ran in Japan. Fuchs is clearly approaching the kind of running shape that brought her impressive race wins in e.g. the Cordillera Mountain Ultra in 2018.

We are very pleased to see that almost all teams complete every Mission with their full roster of team members!

Tomorrow is Mission IV, and that’s the second 5km of the week.

[More news , the overall 7 Missions ranking and the High Trail 9 Peaks Ulju elevation ranking is coming in a few hours]

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