Posts tagged dieng
Dieng Trail Run opens Season 10 on 21 September!

We are delighted to announce that Dieng Trail Run in Central Java, Indonesia, will be the opening event of Season 10 in the Asia Trail Master series. ‘DTR’ , as it is commonly known , will have its 3rd edition on 21/22 September and offers points for both the ATM Championship ranking and the Grandmaster Quest. Organised by the experienced Goat Run Team, Dieng Trail Run offers one of Java’s typically breathtaking trail courses and is not for nothing taglined “Run Above the Clouds”.

As the official website, linked below, states: “Dieng Trail Run isn’t just a race; it’s a commitment to a positive impact on the environment and local communities.” Event organiser Jeffri Riccardo is driven by a passion for trail running, but also for environmental protection and focus on sustainability. The event upholds the principles of Leave No Trace, and has a commitment towards a positive impact on the environment and local communities. The team is also active in raising awareness amongst runners and has introduced the option to register without purchasing an event shirt, reducing carbon footprint and waste.

It is not the first time Indonesia will host the ATM Season opener. Before the covid crisis and before we changed our season parameters, Tahura Trail in Bandung was our traditional and highly successful opener in January. Central Java has had several points races on our calendar over the years, not in the least the 2023 Championship Final in Solo and the Siksorogo Lawu event.

Technically, runners first of all need to be aware of cold temperatures at nighttime, despite being in Indonesia. The Dieng plateau is the highest one on Java island as has an average altitude of 2100m above sea level. Both the 100k and 60k will have nighttime running. The 100k starts mid-afternoon on Saturday, the 60k has a flag off at midnight. This is a mountain trail run, so make sure you check the mandatory gear list and the route description carefully on the event website. GPX files will be provided and should be downloaded.

The 2024 edition is significantly different from last year’s ATM points race, in which Risqi Kurniawan took the measure of mountain running veteran and former ATM Champion Arief Wismoyono in a 50km race. It was regarded as the ‘changing of the guard’ in Indonesia’s trail community - at least for the medium distances. This year, the medium distance has been boosted to 60km and a 100km has been added to the programme. The 60k has no fewer than 4000 metres of elevation gain, and by far most of it comes in the second half. In other words, the first Championship points race of the new season will be a tough one.

Registration is open already and can easily be done via the official event website.

There are various ways to reach the event venue at Taman Syailendra Dieng. As described on the website, you could fly to Yogyakarta, Semarang and Surabaya and take a bus from there. Or you just go to Jakarta and hop on a long distance bus or train. To reach the event location, you will at the end always need a bus or car to Lapangan Pandawa. International runners with questions on logistics can contact event director Ms Ayu by email on , or find her telephone number on the website.

Last year’s men’s podium with Risqi Kurniawan defeating Arief Wismoyono

Event teaser 2023 edition of DTR

Dieng - Risqi Kurniawan too fast for Wismoyono

In just a matter of a few weeks, Javanese runner Risqi Kurniawan has totally emerged from the shadows and has proven to be a serious force on the medium distance ATM circuit. In a very interesting direct race against ‘good old’ champion Arief Wismoyono, Kurniawan took his second ATM race win in a fortnight. Last Sunday, the youngster outpaced Wismoyono by a big 34 minutes on the 48km long Dieng Trail Run and cements his recently gained status as the Indonesian benchmark on the 50k. With his victories in Mantra 65 and Dieng 50, he now has 1000 points already, which could be sufficient to secure his spot in Team Indonesia for the ATM Finals. He is also scheduled to run Bali Ultra 50 next month. On our facebook page, you can watch a short interview with the new Indonesian trail star. Arief Wismoyono himself secured his wild card for the Final at Siksorogo Lawu Ultra as a former ATM Champion (2015). In his post-race interview, he showed his class by admitting Kurniawan is now too fast for him on 50k runable courses, and that he is looking forward to running with him in an attempt to win the ATM Championship for Indonesia.

The race started at midnight and was held at an altitude of 2000m and above, which felt very cold for many runners. Kurniawan and Wismoyono immediately set the pace, followed by Kasmana, another new name from Bandung. Kasmana is a protégé of Wismoyono and finished third, less than 10 minutes behind his mentor. Singapore’s Chris Timms was trying to keep up as he had podium ambitions, but went off course early on and that saw his chances evaporate. Timms settled into fourth together with Thimo Kilberth, who had his best ATM race in a while. Sumatra’s Andre Sinaga unfortunately twisted his ankle badly and retired from a race that could have brought him into a position to join Team Indonesia in December. Sinaga, second in Orang Utan Trail ahead of Timms and Kilberth, will need to try again in Bali Ultra next month.

The women’s competition in Dieng was won by La Sportiva’s highly experienced and popular runner Novita Wulandari. Her first ATM race victory. Indah Julita, a.k.a Meili, came second and Qheiza Wiranda Edelwise third. For Edelwise it’s her second points result of the season, which puts her now in second place behind Shindy Patricia in the women’s Indonesia ATM ranking. Bali Ultra on 19 August will be an important event to get into the top five as that will be the fourth and last Indonesian points race of the 2023 season before the big championship final event at Siksorogo Lawu Ultra in Central Java on 2/3 December.

The men’s podium with Kurniawan, Wismoyono and Kauswana

Novita Wulandari and Meili : the two fastest women in Dieng Trail Run 50 !

Qheiza Wiranda Edelwise scored 3rd on the podium in her 2nd ATM race of the season!

The three podium placers plus Chris Timms and Thimo Kilberth as fourth and fifth

DTR: Wismoyono against the new boys

The second points race this weekend takes place in Indonesia: Dieng Trail Run in Taman Syailendra in Central Java. Second edition of the event organised by Goat Run and ESA, and featuring a very interesting 50km race with nearly 3400 hm of elevation gain. The participation field is not the biggest, but the quality is definitely there. Arief Wismoyono will be facing some of the most talented young Indonesian trail runners post-covid, including Risqi Kurniawan.

It’s just been two weeks since the tough mountain trail Mantra 116 in Malang, but Wismoyono and Kurniawan - winners of the 116km and 65km races respectively - clearly have energy left in the tank. In fact, Kurniawan even did and won a 60k race in Malaysia last week, too. Let’s hope for him it isn’t ‘overkill’ because a victory against Wismoyono would resonate in the ATM world. On paper, the 2015 champion is now clearly most competitive on the long mountain ultras, which plays into Kurniawan’s hands. A weekend of rest could just be what Wismoyono needed to give his young foe a run for his money on Sunday’s 50km - which starts at midnight. There’s a few other runners who could take the victory as well, however. Medan’s Andre Mozes SInaga was one of two exciting Sumatran runners in Orang Utan Trail at the end of May. Sinaga was second, narrowly behind Erwin Simanjuntak, but a few minutes ahead of Singapore’s Chris Timms. The latter is also competing in Dieng, and is keen to get his first ever ATM race win. For Sinaga, Dieng Trail Run, is an important race also to show himself against his compatriots. Sumatran runners do not have a lot of opportunity to race elsewhere, even within their own country Indonesia. As for Kurniawan, a second great result this weekend could already give Sinaga a spot in Team Indonesia for the ATM Championship Final. Wismoyono just needs to finish the race to score his wild card as former ATM champion. Bali-based Thimo Kilberth has already had two points races this season, and is aiming for a third result in Dieng to ensure his spot in the national country team again. After Dieng, there’s only Bali Ultra Trail left to score ATM points within Indonesia itself.

There’s several other men on the start list with podium potential, and so are many women. None of the better known Indonesian names are running this weekend, so it is an excellent chance for Novita Wulandari, Malaysia’s Siti Hajar Razali and Heroin Parulian to claim the spotlight. Parulian and Desi Ariyani already collected a heap of points in Orang Utan Trail and could secure their spots on Team Indonesia for the ATM Final.

ATM will be reporting live from Dieng Trail Run 50km on our usual channels.

Risqi Kurniawan is having a busy month. A good result in Dieng may already secure him a spot for Team Indonesia in the upcoming ATM Championship Final

Andre Sinaga (front) was one of the two surprisingly quick Sumatra runners in Orang Utan Trail in May

In Mantra 116 two weeks ago, 2015 ATM Champion Arief Wismoyono proved he still has what it takes

Chris Timms, 3rd in Orang Utan Trail, will aim for his first ATM race win this weekend

New: Dieng Trail Run takes place of Ijen on Championship calendar

From the well-established team that brought you GOAT Run in Indonesia comes a new event in Central Java: Dieng Trail Run - Run Above The Clouds. An event with a 50km points race for the Asia Trail Master Championship ranking scheduled for Sunday, 23 July. Dieng Trail Run takes the place on our annual calendar of Ijen Trail, which unfortunately can still not be held this season. As such, Indonesian runners still have four major opportunities to score points and get qualified for Team Indonesia in the ATM Final on 2/3 December, which will be held in Indonesia as well (stay tuned for details later this week!)

The race route of DTR will take participants across the unique natural and cultural beauty of the Dieng plateau. The 50k category will go through 5 (five) drinking post points and check points, the third is at the top of Mount Bismo. The difference between the ultra route and the others is that participants will go through 4 peaks, Mt Prau, Seroja Peak, Mt Pakuwaja peak, and Mt Bismo peak. Especially for 50k, qualification will apply to participants who register. The condition is that you have finished a trail run of at least 20k. This is intended so that the 50k participants are more prepared physically and mentally.

DTR is not just a trail running competition, but a joint campaign to build awareness of the threat of climate change, especially around Dieng. The event is part of the annual agenda of the Wonosobo Tourism and Culture Office, Central Java. In this 2nd edition in 2023, the big theme of DTR is sustainability:


Where the health of runners is closely related to the health of planet Earth. The threat of damage to the Earth is also a real threat to human health.

The race in a nutshell:

  • Race Day: Sunday, 23 July

  • Distance: 50km

  • Elevation gain : 3.850 m

  • Flag off : 00.00 (midnight)

  • Start/Finish : Taman Syailendra

  • COT : 18 hours (i.e. 6 pm)

  • AS & CP :

  • 1. Puncak Gn. Prau

  • 2. Puncak Gn. Pakuwaja

  • 3. Puncak Gn. Bismo

Last year, the 50km race was won by Taofik Hidayat and Siti Nuraini.

Dieng Ultra is lastest Indonesian 2021 Candidate Race
Dieng Ultra logo.jpg

There’s quite a few exciting newcomers on the Indonesian trail running scene in 2020 and we are happy that most also wish to join the Asia Trail Master community! Dieng Ultra will take place in Central Java on 29/30 August and is now an official 2021 ATM Candidate Race. The inaugural event is organised by Go Adventure, a team featuring Jeffri Riccardo, whom most may remember from the Goat Run series.

The event programme of Dieng Ultra will feature four race categories of which the 70km is the main event. A serious 70K as well: runners will need to overcome 4700 metres of elevation gain and reach a maximum altitude of 2500m above sea level. Less ambitious runners can also opt for the 42K, 21K and 10K race distance categories. The overall course will largely run on trails, farmland, and scenic landscape. Occasionally, runners will go via small roads in between villages. Most of the area is covered by phone reception except the most remote part of the track in the Mt Prau and Mt. Bismo areas.

The Dieng Plateau is well known as a must-visit tourism destination in Indonesia. The name ‘dieng’ which literally translates as ‘abode of the Gods’ says all you need to know about this collection of small ancient temples set in the remarkable volcanic landscape of the Dieng Plateau. Running here and you will be transported back to ancient times. The temples are remnants from the glorious period of the Hindu empire in Java dating back to the 7th and 8th centuries. Standing on a plateau 2,000 meters (6,500 ft) above sea level, it is the extraordinary setting of these temples which make them most remarkable.

You will experience running unlike anywhere in Indonesia, from the bubbling mudholes at Kawah Sikidang crater, brightly colored Sulphur lakes of Telaga Warna, a stunning view across the highland from Mt. Prau and catch the best sunrise in Asia from Sikunir hill. 

The event is intentionally held in the month of August, as it is the best time to visit the plateau. It offers you with two amazing views of the sunrise, a ‘golden’ and a ‘silver’ sunrise. This double sunrise is a unique natural phenomenon. August also the month where it’s the coldest period where it’s one of the only places in Java where you can see ice forming on the highlands.

If you come with non-runners, such as family and friends it’s the best location for everyone, even the drive to the plateau offers impressive sights. On the way up, visitors will pass through tobacco plantations and beautiful mountain scenery.  The Dieng people are used to visitors and warmly welcome travelers to the region.

The air gateways to the event are Yogyakarta and Semarang, with a preference for Yogya. The event provides shuttle service for those who are arriving by train or plane. The nearest train station located at Purwokerto, shuttle service will depart from the train station at Friday, 28 August and depart at 13.30. While another shuttle will be located at Yogyakarta International Airports at Friday, 28 August and depart at 13.00. For more info and reservation, please contact us

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