Posts tagged falaza
Mt Falaza Ultra Trail, door to eastern Russia

Eastern Russia, and in particular the Vladivostok-Primorye region, is gradually becoming a hub for outdoor sports in this part of the year. Autumn turns the landscape in this part of the world to its most beautiful, with many different colours everywhere. For the second time, Asia Trail Master is happy to promote a modest but great trail race here in its championship series. The Mount Falaza Ultra Trail is a 50K run through forests and a rocky mountain, Falaza, with an elevation that will get the respect of the more technical trail runners in the field of participants. This weekend's main race, which starts and finishes at the Gribanovka Ski Resort, measures 60 km and an elevation gain of 1830 hm. Shorter distances are also available for the less ambitious. 

Race director Alexey Chacklov is himself an excellent multisport athlete, who is known for his exploits in adventure racing in China, as well as on the MTB. Mount Falaza Ultra Trail is one of his event babies, and him and his team are looking forward to welcoming ever more international runners to his event. This year's race favourites are expected to be locals with Vladimir Popov arguably as the man to beat. Nadezhda Hosanenko is another one to watch out for. 
