Posts tagged grandmaster
Hisashi Kitamura: 4th Grandmaster star beckons

We know him as one of the top contenders in the Asia Trail Master Championship, but this weekend Hisashi Kitamura can also enter the record books as the first trail runner to obtain the Grandmaster **** four stars label. The Malaysia-based Japanese runner from Team UGLOW Asia will be competing at Cameron Ultra 100 this weekend.

Kitamura began his Grandmaster Quest in early 2018 with the 9 Dragons in Hong Kong and already completed the first level in the same year in Bali at the Plataran X Trail. He continued piling up the results and race finishes of over 70km in the following year - when he stubbornly challenged John Ellis for the ATM Championship title - even to the extent many felt he was outrunning himself. The covid crisis of course also stopped him in his tracks, which in that sense might have been not the worst thing. In this current season VII, Kitamura is in any case very much back in action and he is probably at his highest competitive level yet. Cameron Ultra 100 this coming Saturday will be his 20th Grandmaster distance in the ATM series, and many will bet on him to win the race. But even if he does not, finishing Cultra will earn him the top Grandmaster recognition.

Another three-star Grandmaster***, Masafumi Yamamoto will be aiming for his 19th race finish at Cameron Ultra as well. It is interesting that the first two runners about to score four stars are both from the same country, Japan. A country, of course, that loves distance running.

Tonight at 7 PM (HK): The Tale of the Trail EP3
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Episode 3 of our bimonthly video talk show The Tale of the Trail will be broadcast tonight, Friday, 29 May, at 19:00 Hong Kong time (20:00 Korea; 18:00 Thailand). The episode is titled “Ending the Waiting Game’, referring to the long-awaited amendments to the regulations for the 2020 Asia Trail Master Championship and the Grandmaster Quest. Our reigning champions John Ellis and Veronika Vadovicova will be on the show, as well as Jey Jang from South Korea to give us an update on Korea 50K. We will find out what is going on in Thailand during these difficult months and Amy Khor will be interviewing Alex Ang. In cooperation with Mark TWT there will be a feature on Sabah’s trail queen Jassica Lintanga, aka Jess Boubie, and finally there will be a chat with out Mystery Guest of this episode Job Tanapong.

The Tale of the Trail will be shown on the Asia Trail Master pages of both facebook and YouTube as well as here on the website.

Register your Grandmaster Quest

Runners aiming to launch their own Grandmaster Quest soon are kindly requested to read the following new regulation.

Please let us know when you wish to begin your Grandmaster Quest and at which event, so ATM can more easily follow your progress and also put you in the spotlights (if desired). This simple registration is also mandatory as of 1 April 2020 to allow for more transparency in general, also towards other runners. The count starts when you complete your first race and thus score your first GM point. If you DNF in your first race, you will need to register again next time you wish to begin your Quest.

To register (of course free of charge), please fill in the simple Google form by clicking on the button below. If you live in a place with limited access to Google, please email to

Hall of Fame: 3 Grandmasters looking for 4 stars!
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The Grandmaster Quest has been increasing in popularity as every trail runner’s individual challenge of choice. Every time a runner, regardless of ranking or performance, finishes an ATM-promoted race of 70 kilometres or more, he scores a point. If you manage to collect six of those points within two years, you become an official Asia Trail Grandmaster. Now in its fourth year since the inauguration in 2016, three runners have almost reached the fourth and highest level of the Grandmaster Quest: four stars or 20 races!

Indonesia’s Ruth Theresia was the first runner overall who reached the plateau of 15 Grandmaster points in Nan in her championship-winning year 2018. Last year, the Bandung Explorer ace and Indonesian flag holder was joined by two great Japanese athletes, first Masafumi Yamamoto and then Hisashi Kitamura. While Ruth Theresia and Hisashi Kitamura are well-known as competitive elites gunning for our annual Championship, Masafumi Yamamoto is evidence that the Grandmaster Quest is made for everyone willing to grit his or her teeth together. Having finished more than 15 ultras is an incredible achievement that has spanned two years for them and slightly more than three years for Ruth, but of course she took a sabbatical last year.

Looking ahead, it is highly likely that they will reach the fourth star in the course of 2020, as soon as the corona crisis has been conquered. Ruth is only 3 Grandmaster points away from it, and our two Japanese friends even only two points.

Twelve trail runners are now at level 2. That means these runners continued to race and complete ten relevant races after they had become an Asia Trail Grandmaster (six 70+km races in 2 years). They are Aleksis Capili, Lily Suryani, Isaac Yuen Wan Ho, Milton Amat, Yim Heng Fatt, Jassica Lintanga, Ali Ajis Rasil, Rene Amigleo, Alessandro Sherpa, Tomohiro Mizukoshi, Arief Wismoyono and last but not least Cheryl Bihag.

Our ATM Hall of Fame is being updated these days and is the place where you can discover more about these amazing athletes’ achievements under the banner of the Asia Trail Master Championship series.

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ATM Hall of Fame: 15 Grandmasters so far!

In Asia Trail Master there is the championship, and then there is the Grandmaster Quest. For newbies to our website and social media channels, the Grandmaster Quest is an individual challenge open for all trail runners to accomplish. What do you need to do to become an Asia Trail Grandmaster? Finish six ATM races of 70 km or longer (or shorter but with 4500 hm) within two years. That is level 1 for which you earn 1 star and entry into our Hall of Fame. Continue running to 10 race finishes, without further time pressure, and you earn yourself a second Grandmaster star! At the end of 2017, 15 runners have now achieved Grandmaster status. Interestingly, the gender balance tills in favour of the female sex: we have 8 women for 7 men! Can women suffer discomfort more, longer and more frequently than men? It would appear trail running can now have its own chapter in the eternal discussion about the stronger and weaker human gender... We will explore this interesting conclusion of the 2017 ATM season more in depth soon! 

Of the 15 Grandmasters, three of them reached the second level in 2017. Aleksis Capili was again first, followed by Isaac Yuen Wan Ho and also Bali's Lily Suryani earned her second star as first female with an incredible string of ultra trail finishes between May and November. Lily's Hall of Fame profile shows that no fewer than 9 of her 10 eligible Grandmaster race finishes since 2015 were 100 km or longer. This includes 6 ultra race finishes in the last six months, and actually even 7, as Lily also completed BTS Ultra 100 again. However, as it was the third time she finished that same race it no longer provided any extra Grandmaster point. Earlier this month, Lily Suryani still started in HK 168, but arguable it was the one race too many for this year. Not being the youngest runner on the ATM tour, Lily Suryani proved that determination and focus get you a very long way in trail running, and a genuine congratulations are in order! 

Isaac showed his stamina as well in the second half of the year with six ultra race finishes since Penang Eco 100 miles in May. The Hong Kong star now totals 11 Grandmaster points, and in combination with his 6th place in the 2017 ATM Championship he certainly is one of the year's top performers! 

Aleksis Capili was the first Grandmaster ever, and he obtained 2 stars also as first ever at the Mount Apo Sky Race in Davao, Philippines, last April. Since then, Aleksis has added one more race to his record, which brings his Grandmaster record to 11 race finishes as well! As Lily in BTS Ultra, Aleksis did CM50 Ultra for a third time, but a third-time finish of the same race does not increase the Grandmaster total. 

While some ATM Championship contenders have naturally also reached Grandmaster status, others who are not so often in the spotlights deserve a mentioning for reaching their big objective: Joseph Sibal, Cheryl Bihag from Philippines, and Ali Ajis Rasil from Brunei have all had ups and downs during their Grandmaster Quest, but they have succeeded in securing their 1 star at Ultra-Trail Panoramic in Thailand earlier this month. Well done! 

Below is the overview of the current 15 Asia Trail Grandmasters. Who will join them in 2018? 

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2 stars


10 or more races of 70+ km 

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Aleksis Capili 

Philippines / Thailand

1st Male ** Grandmaster

1st Male * Grandmaster


Isaac Yuen Wan Ho 

Hong Kong

2nd Male ** Grandmaster

4th Male * Grandmaster

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Lily Suryani


1st Female ** Grandmaster

3rd Female * Grandmaster

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1 star

6 ATM races of 70+ km in 2 years

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Arief Wismoyono


3rd Male * Grandmaster


Ina Budiyarni


1st Female * Grandmaster


Shindy Patricia


6th Female * Grandmaster

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Jan Nilsen

Norway / Thailand

2nd Male * Grandmaster

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Ruth Theresia



2nd Female * Grandmaster


Tahira Najmunisaa


4th Female * Grandmaster

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Yim Heng Fatt


5th Male * Grandmaster


Adelinah Lintanga


5th Female * Grandmaster

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Kim Matthews

Australia / Vietnam

7th Female * Grandmaster


Joseph Sibal


6th Male * Grandmaster

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Ali Ajis Rasil

Brunei Darussalam

7th Male * Grandmaster

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Cheryl Bihag


8th Female * Grandmaster

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